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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Why Rosé of Malbec

2016 Rosé of Malbec by HafnerRosé, to me, signals the advent of Spring, and after this year’s Winter rain (almost double our normal rainfall total), we are ready for Rosé. Parke and I discovered Rosé back in 1985 on a trip to Provence, France – it was the perfect apéritif after a long day of touring the French countryside. Today, our family enjoys it as both an apéritif and as a dinner wine. Key to Rosé is both its color and its aroma. That is why we use Malbec for our Rosé – Malbec juice resembles bright pink bubblegum and is fruit-driven with aromas of watermelon, raspberries and violets. 


Meet the Team - Benito

Benito"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Most of the vineyard crew have a connection to a small town in Mexico. Benito, on the other hand, grew up in a different area, but he fits right in! His favorite part of being part of the team...learning from the guys who have been in this vineyard for decades. And he says, they all have so much fun laughing together that time goes by quickly. Benito also has an unlikely friend. Read more to learn who it is!


Sustainability Certification

Oak at Hafner Vineyard in Alexander ValleyAs I begin the annual process of self-assessment to renew our Sustainable Certification, it is a time to reflect on all we do to reduce our impact on the environment and to solicit ideas from others as to how we can improve. Although we have been following sustainable practices for years, last year was the first year that we became certified with the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA). Thanks to the CSWA, sustainable practices are now more codified, scored and maintained.


Meet the Team - Mary

Mary and Dick in the 1970s"Meet the Team" is our blog series that introduces each of the Hafner Vineyard team members. We answer a series of questions about ourselves and our time at Hafner Vineyard. Fifty years ago, Mary and her husband, Dick, started Hafner Vineyard. She has taken on countless roles over the five decades, even tractor driver! Here, she shares fun stories of the evolution of the vineyard and winery.


50th Anniversary Lunch

Lunchtime at Hafner VineyardTo kick off our 50th Anniversary year, all of us who work in the vineyard and winery, gathered for a fun lunch on January 23rd, to toast and mark the occasion. It was a cold day, but thankfully without rain during lunch, and we gathered in the oldest building on the property, “The Shop”. At one long table, surrounded by farming equipment, warmed by a heater and lit by French bistro lights, we marked the occasion by opening a jeroboam of 1982 Cabernet Sauvignon – our first vintage.

