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Hafner Vineyard

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Gratitude to José Luis

Jose Luis at Hafner VineyardLast month was bittersweet for us here at Hafner Vineyard. One of our longest tenured employees, José Luis Lopez, retired from Hafner Vineyard. We will miss his talents, his work ethic and his wonderful smile. I take great pride in the longevity of our employees, many of whom have worked with us for decades. As one of the owners of the business, I don’t think of them as someone who works for us, but rather someone who works with us. For me, it is all of us working together that makes Hafner Vineyard the family business that we are.


French Intern Jonas

Jonas at HafnerWe have a longstanding intern program that began in 1985 when a friend of a friend asked if we would host a French enology student. A few years earlier, Sarah and I were interns in Burgundy and realized how impactful an internship could be, so it was easy for us to say “Yes!” Fast forward to 2023 and we welcomed our 38th intern…Jonas Armagnacq to our winery and our home. He has quickly become part of the family both at home and at the winery, bringing hard work and a lot of laughter to our days. 


Gratitude to Laurie

Laurie at HafnerIf you’ve called us on the phone in the last 35 years, most likely you spoke with Laurie. If you visited us here at the winery sometime since 1989, chances are Laurie greeted you. It is increasingly rare that someone devotes the majority of their professional career to one business but we have been lucky that Laurie has, and Hafner Vineyard and our patrons have been the beneficiaries. And now, Laurie is “retiring” to enjoy a more leisurely pace and not having to get up so early each morning! Laurie shares a few stories from her long time here at Hafner Vineyard. 


A View from Above

Hafner VineyardA few years ago, Uncle Scott encouraged me to become a “drone pilot”, so we could have some unique photos from above. This certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone, but the end result is always fun and dramatic. In my most recent flight, I took a number of photos, but one stood out to us. We work closely as a team between vineyard, cellar and sales. Everyone has a unique perspective given their role and experience, so we wanted to see what various team members thought of this photo and what they see. 


French Intern Edgar

Edgar and SallyThe end of September is here as is the departure of our intern, Edgar Guignard, on Monday. Edgar hails from Cognac, France where his family has a vineyard, winery and distillery. As many of you know, we have a longstanding internship program; it began in 1985 when a friend of a friend asked me if we would host a French enology student. As former interns in Burgundy, France, Sarah and I understood how an internship could inspire and influence young people, so it was easy for us to say “yes!”. Edgar is our 37th intern. 

