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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Watercolor Vineyard Map

Watercolor Vineyard MapI carry a small vineyard map in my wallet showing each block with its planting dates, rootstocks and clones, so when I walk the vineyard, I know the exact history of each area. We thought it would be fun to share a general map with you. Painted by my wife, Sarah, this vineyard map of Hafner in Alexander Valley denotes the blocks by color. Comparing this new map to my Dad’s (Dick) hand-drawn map, I am struck by what has changed and what has remained the same since we bought the ranch back in 1967.


Hafner During the Holidays

Holidays with Hafner 2It was a happy Holiday Season here and elsewhere. We are honored that Hafner wine was shared in all corners of the country. Patrons opened bottles for festive celebrations or quiet nights at home or even in restaurants. We heard that Hafner was enjoyed by families who have been buying it for decades, sharing it with multiple generations…and Hafner found its way to new homes thanks to patrons who gave it to their friends and colleagues.


'90 Cabernet for a Celebration

Hafner Cabernet from Alexander Valley - Jeroboam vs. 750Big bottles mean big celebrations and in our family, a big bottle means a jeroboam, it’s the equivalent of 6 regular sized (750 ml) bottles! What would be better to celebrate my father’s 90th birthday than a jeroboam of Hafner Cabernet? I looked through my cellar and found a 1990, which was an excellent year here at Hafner Vineyard. A 25-year-old wine! There is a theory that the larger the bottle, the slower the aging process. To test that, I went down into my cellar and found a 750 ml bottle of the same vintage.


Holiday Photos

Hafner Holidays 3Photos and stories fill our inboxes and social media pages from patrons and gift recipients alike who enjoyed Hafner wine over the past months. In December, we invited people to share photos of the wines that they were enjoying during the Holiday Season. Those photos are entered into a drawing that will yield drinkable rewards. It’s not too late to enter! We will announce the winners on January 25th. If you’d like to join the fun, email us your photos or post them on social media and tag us with @hafnervineyard and #shareHafner. Here are just a few of the highlights we’ve received so far…

