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Hafner Vineyard

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The Secret to an Unforgettable Holiday Party

Holiday Wine GiftsPlanning a Holiday Party can be frightfully complicated with countless details, and yet remarkably simple. Throughout the year, patrons call me about upcoming fêtes they are hosting. Initially their focus is on the wine to be served (thankfully Hafner!) but the conversation often turns to other details and ideas. These conversations are delightfully fun and creative, and a window into patrons’ special celebrations. Here, one patron shares her favorite Holiday Party tips to make the parties memorable and fun.


Summer Photo Competition

Summer CuisineAt the beginning of Summer, we launched our Hafner Cuisine Photo Competition. We invited patrons to share a photo of their favorite Summer dish paired with Hafner wine. One of our beliefs is that wine is meant to be enjoyed with food, and Hafner patrons clearly embrace this feeling as well. We received many photos and thank you to everyone who participated. Check out the winners!


Holiday Photo Results

Holiday Wine PhotosIn early November, we launched our Hafner Vineyard Holiday Photo Competition and invited patrons to send us pictures of family and friends (including themselves) enjoying Hafner wine. We were impressed with the number of photos we received from all corners of the country – from California to Dallas to New England, Atlanta to Omaha to Rochester, and many places in between. Even London! No surprise, Hafner patrons are overachievers and blew it out of the water with enthusiasm and enjoyment of Hafner wine. Thank you!


Holiday Photo Competition

ThanksgivingEveryone loves a fun competition, no one more than gregarious and photogenic Hafner patrons. We’ve launched our 2023 Hafner Vineyard Holiday Photo Contest and hope you’ll join. The goal is to capture the joy of your Holiday Season. It is always fun to see photos of Hafner patrons enjoying their wine throughout the Holiday Season. Here are a few details. 


Holiday Entertaining Tips

Holiday Wine TablesAs the Holidays approach, many of us find ourselves thinking how to make gatherings with family and friends even more festive and fun. Looking for that “little something extra” that makes an evening even more special. I suspect that many of you, like me, look to others for inspiration and advice. I reached out to a very creative group of friends and patrons who always host memorable and enchanting parties. I thought you might enjoy hearing the ten top ideas that my “experts” shared.

