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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Tips from a Somm

Alexis IaconisChoosing wine from a restaurant list can be hard and intimidating! We asked our friend and favorite sommelier Alexis Iaconis if she might have some tips about how to do that. Currently, Alexis is the Wine Director at Barndiva in Healdsburg and a sommelier at The Restaurant at Meadowood in Napa Valley. She is also studying for the Master Sommelier exam, so needless to say, she knows a thing or two about restaurant wine lists. Here she shares three tips on selecting a wine while dining out. 


Team Favorites

Team FavoritesThe Holidays are always an exciting time for us here at the winery. Orders fill our mailbox. Emails with gift requests stream in through the computers. The phone begins to ring constantly. It’s fun for us to help patrons select the perfect gifts for family, friends and colleagues. Through the excitement of the Holiday Season, we often discuss with each other which gift we would give (or want to receive!). We thought it would be fun to share which are our favorites and why. And we couldn't resist including which gift of wine we would want to unwrap. 


Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving WineThanksgiving is full of meal planning – roasting the turkey, baking pies, making the stuffing, assembling salads. And the list goes on. Often the “wine planning” can be pushed to the back burner, which means there’s a bit of a scramble as the arrival of guests loom. Choosing wine for Thanksgiving can be challenging, so wanted to share some ideas. Whether you serve Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon or even Rosé, the most important part is to enjoy the meal with friends and family.


Holiday Traditions

Holiday TraditionsThe Holidays are filled with family and friends, parties, clinking glasses, laughter and traditions. Often it is those traditions that have us looking forward to the Holidays. They bring a comforting sense of belonging and consistency in one’s life. No matter what the year held, we expect certain things during the Holidays to be the same. It’s a wonderful way to bring the year to a close. We thought it would be fun to share traditions as an HV community both from patrons and employees. We'll share one or two traditions each week here. We hope this will be a fun way to enjoy the Holidays together. 


After the Fires

Pocket Fire SheriffAs many know, we were evacuated on Friday, October 13th, due to the looming Pocket Fire. While we were preparing to leave, my husband, Martín, suggested I set our game camera at the entry of the winery. That way, when we returned, we could see if any firefighters came or any wildlife fled the hills for safety in the vineyard. Upon our return a few days later, I promptly forgot about the camera. Instead, I left it rolling for the next week. The camera continued to roll and captured life at Hafner Vineyard. I was struck by the routine that resumed. Read more to see some of the photos. 

