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Hafner Vineyard

Our Blog - The Press

Hafner During the Holidays

Holidays with Hafner 2It was a happy Holiday Season here and elsewhere. We are honored that Hafner wine was shared in all corners of the country. Patrons opened bottles for festive celebrations or quiet nights at home or even in restaurants. We heard that Hafner was enjoyed by families who have been buying it for decades, sharing it with multiple generations…and Hafner found its way to new homes thanks to patrons who gave it to their friends and colleagues.


Holiday Photos

Hafner Holidays 3Photos and stories fill our inboxes and social media pages from patrons and gift recipients alike who enjoyed Hafner wine over the past months. In December, we invited people to share photos of the wines that they were enjoying during the Holiday Season. Those photos are entered into a drawing that will yield drinkable rewards. It’s not too late to enter! We will announce the winners on January 25th. If you’d like to join the fun, email us your photos or post them on social media and tag us with @hafnervineyard and #shareHafner. Here are just a few of the highlights we’ve received so far…


Special Bottles

Friendsgiving with HafnerSpecial wines are shared for special occasions. Wine is meant to be enjoyed, not hidden away in a cellar. So we encourage you to open and share those bottles that you’ve been holding. We’d love it if you share your experience with us! Send us photos of the special bottles (perhaps with you and friends) that you enjoy in the coming weeks and you'll be entered into our drawing.


Photography Field Trip

Cloverdale High GroupYears ago when we were in school, field trips were always a source of great excitement. Last Friday, that feeling came back, except we were the attraction! Graciella Juarez, assistant winemaker Ricardo’s oldest daughter, is exploring her interest in photography through a class at her high school. When the teacher suggested a field trip was an order to test the class’ new skills, Graciella told Ms. Calson that she might have just the right place…Hafner Vineyard! What an honor for us!


Autumn Vineyard Colors

Vineyard Colors during AutumnThis weekend the vineyard colors and sunlight here in Alexander Valley were so striking that I couldn’t resist the opportunity to snap some aerial photos. After Harvest, the vines slowly start to go dormant. Before their leaves drop, they put on a spectacular display of colors ranging from green, yellow, orange, auburn and even bright red. This Saturday showed the first signs of that.

